We value prayer. We depend on God to help, guide, and provide for every aspect of what we do. You can join us in prayer in the following ways:

Pray along with us for the following requests

We receive requests from our international partners - projects that empower them to help meet the most basic needs of kids. These are not included in our annual budget, but remain on the prayer list until God raises resources to meet the need.


KENYA - Please pray with us as we ask God to raise up funding for at least 6 water systems this year (2025). (Update - one is funded and in progress. Four of the 6 are in the fundraising stage.)

PHILIPPINES - CDK Club support - $6,000 for January 2025 - June 2025

KENYA - $5,000 for the Christmas blessing of food and gifts for our sponsored families and 2 orphanages

PHILIPPINES - $5,000 for Christmas parties (gifts and food for 500 children in multiple locations). We need the remaining $1,200.

Check out the “Answers” page, where requests from this list move to once answered.


KENYA - School Water Projects - $15,300 (we have a waiting list)
KENYA - Student Sponsorship Project - $35/month (we have a waiting list)
KENYA - Bibles for Schools Project - $1,000/school (we have a waiting list)

Please contact us if you would like more information about these needs. If you feel led to give you can use the button below to contribute online.

Pray along with us on Zoom

Join us on our third Saturday of the month Zoom Prayer Call. (July & August 2024 we will be on break due to travel). For a link, please contact us at core@candokidsinternational.org